Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Night Essay

Night Essay Night Essay night is a tragic more about life in concentration camps to buy Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. throughout the course of the story is the overbearing this of loss. do his experiences in Nazi camps I lose faith and religion family and Humanity. ELISA loses faith in God he like many others in the concentration camps struggles for life physically and mentally. the heart of life causes him to stop believing religion. what shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and vice a lantern my dreams into dust"(pg32) what's the rate of survival head ceased for so many people eat with guy to just take him out of his misery. why should I bust his name the eternal Lord of the universe and the all powerful and terrible silence. page 31 silence is a troubled Ellie the most never shall I forget that nocturnal silence deprived me for all eternity the desire to live. Ellie struggles with faith is a major internal conflict he say sis the boy who won previously asked why you praise to God would an swer why did I pray why did I live why did I breeze religion was a huge part of his life. his belief seem to have been unconditional as if he couldn't live without his idea face in divine power button experience in the Holocaust head she can all of that. while in the camp a man asks where is God after young boys Hank total silence throughout the camp the existence of a higher being is for ever shot heard from alley who would let any of this harder happen he's confused as to what he did wrong and why did Germans would want him and his entire is dead or white God for the train him and let such a thing happen. I did not tonight I got sick sistance but I doubt is his absolute justice paid 42. the fact that he had made it through all of this gave him confidence and

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Commentaire darret de la cour dappel de Douai du Essays

Commentaire d'arret de la cour d'appel de Douai du Essays Commentaire d'arret de la cour d'appel de Douai du 17 novembre 2008 L'arret que nous etudions est un arret rendu par la cour d'Appel de Douai le 17 novembre 2008, portant sur la nullite du mariage. Monsieur X et Madame Y se sont maries le 8 juillet 2006. Le mari, le 26 juillet 2006, engage a l'encontre de sa femme une action en nullite du mariage au motif qu'elle lui ai menti au sujet de sa virginite. Monsieur X saisit alors le TGI de Lille afin qu'il se prononce sur l'annulation du mariage entre les epoux, sur le fondement de l'article 180 du code civil. Madame Y acquiescant la demande de son mari. Le TGI de Lille prononce ainsi l'annulation du mariage pour erreur sur les qualites essentielles de l'epouse mais le ministere public forme un appel a l'encontre du jugement. Monsieur X exprime d'une part qu'il n'y aurait pas eu de veritable intention patrimoniale entre lui et son epouse. Il affirme egalement, que relativement a l'article 180 du code civil, sa femme aurait trahis sa confiance en mentant sur sa virginite. Mademoiselle Y pour sa part conteste avoir menti, puisque sa vie sentimentale passee n'avait pas fait l'objet de debats avec son futur mari. Mais ne s'oppose pas a la demande de nullite du mariage. On peut alors se demander dans quelle mesure le mensonge au sujet du passe sentimentale et sexuel d'une personne peut constituer une cause de nullite du mariage pour erreur sur ses qualites essentielles. La Cour d'appel de Douai infirme en toutes dispositions le jugement defere. La cour d'appel convient que la virginite d'une femme n'est pas une qualite essentielle dans le sens ou elle n'influe pas sur la vie matrimoniale. Ainsi le mensonge qui ne porte pas sur une qualite essentielle de la personne ne peut conduire a l'annulation d'un mariage. La cour conclue egalement qu'aucune preuve ne permet de constater le manque d'intentions matrimoniales entre les epoux. I) Erreur sur une qualite essentielle: une cause de nullite d'un mariage A) Erreur sur une qualite essentielle: l'appreciation du juge. Malgre le retablissement du divorce en 1884, le legislateur a tout de meme conserve le cas de nullite sur la personne en y ajoutant l'erreur sur les qualites essentielles de la personne. En effet l'article 180 alinea 2 du Code civil prevoit que s'il y a eu erreur dans la personne, ou sur des qualites essentielles de la personne, l'autre epoux peut demander la nullite du mariage. Ainsi on compte un grand nombre de decisions rendues sur l'erreur portant sur les qualites essentielles de la personne. Par exemple, il a ete juge qu'il peut y avoir erreur sur une qualite essentielle quand un epoux a ignore que son conjoint avait la qualite de divorce, ou lorsqu'il s'est trompe sur son aptitude a avoir des relations sexuelles normales ou sur son etat de sante mentale. Le conjoint qui sollicite la justice pour obtenir l'annulation de son mariage doit etre en mesure de prouver que l'erreur pretendue etait determinante. En d'autres termes, il doit convaincre le juge que s'il n'avait pas commis cette erreur, il ne se serait pas marie. Ici l'appreciation in concreto de l'erreur sur les qualites essentielles de la personne doit faire sens avec une appreciation in abstracto qui se refere a l'essence meme du mariage. L'appreciation in concreto pose probleme en ce qu'elle aboutit a multiplier les cas d'erreur en fonction des qualites particulieres que chaque epoux peut attendre de l'autre. L'appreciation in abstracto peut apparaitre des lors comme un garde-fou destine a eviter les abus. B) La virginite: une qualite non essentielle Selon la Cour d'Appel de Douai, la virginite n'est pas une qualite essentielle . On pourrais s'interroger sur la pertinence de cette solution dans la mesure ou une jurisprudence a admis la qualite de divorce comme qualite essentielle. La Cour d'appel indique que la virginite [] n'est pas une qualite essentielle en ce que son absence n'a pas d'incidence sur la vie matrimoniale . L'incidence sur la vie matrimoniale semble ainsi etre le critere pour determiner ce qui est essentiel et ce qui ne l'est pas. La encore, la critique est possible mais elle se refere a deux structures de pensee differentes. II) L'opposition a

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Weaning from a ventilator (early extubation) post CABG Essay

Weaning from a ventilator (early extubation) post CABG - Essay Example The ventilator is one such equipment that is it in great demand and so I decided to explore if there was a possibility to wean the post-operative Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) patients from the ventilators to reduce the time patients spend in the intensive care unit, cutting down on costs and pressure on the demand for these medical units. I found that on one side there was support for the early extubation of post CABG surgery patients, but there was also opposition to it. This created in me the desire to learn more on this subject, in an effort to provide better care to the patients in this intensive care unit and in that create the possibility of extending it to post CABG surgery patients in other critical care units. The plan of action in this endeavour would be to make use of the best available research to provide evidence on the subject of early extubation of post CABG surgery patients and then link it to the clinical expertise of the management of these patients and the preferences of these patients, to arrive at the best solution to early extubation in post CABG surgery patients. This would enable providing the most appropriate healthcare to these patients and would remain embedded in the tenets of evidence based learning in providing healthcare to patients. The study would aim at collecting available evidence on the subject of early extubation of post CABG surgery patients, by studying articles in available journals in libraries and also to use medical databases like MedScape in an attempt to collect evidence that would lead to the right conclusion on the possibility of early extubation in post CABG surgery patients and should the evidence provide that it is possible, locate evidence that provides the right protocol and systems that need to be utilised when employing early extubation in post CABG surgery patients. It would also be necessary to analyse the implication that such a change would bring about among the post

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Essay - Assignment Example Wendell Berry offers an insight into the importance of practicing some sort of agriculture to produce food. After critical evaluation of the existing trend in which people are increasing choosing food over the counter, he learns something. The contemporary society is characterized emphasis on service industry especially in urban center. In that respect, people tend to ignore the important fact of researching on the nutritional threshold of the food consumed (Wendell 146). The increasing campaign for industrialization has kept many people away from practicing simple gardening at the backyard to obtain pure and fresh food. Instead, eating has remained the only interest with absolute ignorance on the diet and suitability of such food. Besides, Berry recognize the immediate challenge of poor feeding habits and the transferred costs through medical attention over nutritional health related problems. The pleasure of eating according to Berry Wendell can only be derived from consuming fresh and nutritious food which one knows its source. This constitutes direct involvement in farming however small scale it may be and cooking the food before eating it. On contrary, most people have shifted the responsibility to food processing industries who serve their profit interest at the expense of consumer welfare. People have failed to understand that the groceries and food stores are health hazards filled with mere appearance of beauty. Such food production technology to feed the mass includes biotechnology which has already raised ethical concerns. The chemical content of the genetically modified food outweigh the bodily nutritional requirements. Individual consumers are partly to blame for this increasing technology due to overreliance on the food stores instead of embracing even small scale vegetable gardening at the backyard. Besides, people tend to give little attention to the significance of cooked food and hide behind limited time to consume

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Equal Opportunity in Education Essay Example for Free

Equal Opportunity in Education Essay The whole object of education isto develop the mind. (Sherwood Anderson) The United States of America has developed a system to educate its youth by a publicly funded system. It is the law and born civil right of each citizen to attend some form of education by a particular age. The public school system is set in place for those who choose not to send their offspring to private, religious, or charter schools. This is the present incarnation of the public school system. It is said to be equal in all manner throughout the country. That has not always been the case in this nation. That has brought forth numerous laws and enactments to grant those who find themselves on the lesser side of gaining knowledge more of an equal footing where education is concerned. In this land of opportunity, there is an expected level of availability that is expected. In a world of intense competition from within and outside of the country education one of the few ways of balancing the scales of the socially or monetarily disadvantaged is proportionate education. In this nation children have at one point or another in history been systematically held back for one reason or another. The reasons differ in the once beliefs that they were not able to learn or personal thought of not being worthy to be taught. In 1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson granted the states the right to uphold the separate but equal doctrine that ruled the land. This was a great lost to all those that held a hope those later generations would do better than those who came before. Education began to become more balanced when separate but equal was pushed aside by the landmark case of Brown vs. The Board of Education. In 1954 The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Henry Billings Brown. This would begin the integration of public school which was the first step into equal opportunity for students nationwide. The Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 was the next big step creating a system that would seek a fair learning experience for all. Its basic notion is that state and local funds for schools should be equitable before federal Title I funds are added to schools with large concentrations of low-income students. ( The Title I funding has a slight problem in its workings that has been a detriment to the children who attend these schools. The amount of money allocated to the schools is based on the salaries of the teachers. That is a problem for schools with a high turnover ratio. Schools that have moderately younger staff that is relatively new to the task of educating young minds make less than the veterans of the better school districts. This translates into less money per teacher and that equals less money for the school and the children. It is unfortunate that less money ultimately means less of educational opportunities. The fact is that children in low income areas do not receive a fair share of money. The student need is not met by the standards laid out by the government. Money is the root of a proper education in this high end technological world. Without proper funds the simplest of supplies cannot be purchased. Computers, books, calculators, or simple printer ink is not available on a scale that is considered suitable. The eventual sharing of materials is a detriment to the students who are not allowed to have their own because of lack of equipment ready for use. The civil rights case would eventually open the door for other minorities. One that would take advantage of the Brown ruling was those with disabilities. In Brown the Court declared that it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education. ( They would use this to rally their forces and demand equal opportunities for cognitively i mpaired children. Mills vs. the Board of Education of the District of Columbia and the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children vs. Pennsylvania were two cases that brought the plight of these students to the light of day. The law would be changed to give them the rights that they so richly deserved. The newest in leveling the field of education has come through the No Child Left Behind Act which was signed into being by former President George W. Bush in 2002. These reforms express my deep belief in our public schools and their mission to build the mind and character of every child, from every background, in every part of America. (George W. Bush, 2001) No Child Left Behind puts an emphasis on improving the quality of public education. It calls for increased accountability, more choices for parents and students, putting reading first, and a higher emphasis on standardized testing. However the standardized testing is one of the biggest problems of the act. The majority of teachers has a problem with the testing and calls it bias. They also put forth that the testing takes away from the true teaching of knowledge, rather they now teach to test. This makes the education of the nation less than competitive with other countries. To combat these problems in our ever changing world we must go back to the beginning. In that thought process society must rethink its past transgressions. The country must avoid the same mistakes of the past. Politicians are not the ones who should make the decisions to lead the future of United States of America. Educators should be in charge of educating the youth. Those who have spent their lives gaining knowledge to teach the children of their world should be tasked with the job of finding a way to educate equally. This task should be given to those who best fit the job description. The assignment should be outsourced if it is needed. Other countries excel in education and this nation could learn from those who educate on higher levels. Educating the masses on a more equal platform will only add to greatness. Reference Quotes on Education (n.d.) Retrieved May 20, 2011, from Ensuring Equal Opportunity in Public Education (n.d.) Retrieved May 20, 2011, from Plessy v. Ferguson (n.d.) Retrieved May 20, 2011, from OVERVIEW Executive Summary (n.d.) Retrieved May 21, 2011, from The Need for Equal Opportunity and a Right to Quality Education (n.d.) Retrieved May 21, 2011, from Equal Opportunity (n.d.) Retrieved May 21, 2011, from An American perspective on equal educational opportunities (2002) Retrieved May 21, 2011, from

Friday, November 15, 2019

PSY 301, Introductory Psychology, 2004, Exam 2 :: UTEXAS Texas Psychology

Answers to questions are at the bottom of the exam PSY301-Pennebaker Exam 2 –October 13, 2004 1. Genny knows a lot about birds. But, recently, while she was on a late evening bird watching trip she saw a bat for the first time in her life. In order to cognitively process the new information, she will first try to understand the bat by ___________ it into her â€Å"bird† schema but then realize that there are many key differences between the bat and a bird and end up _________________ the bat by creating a new â€Å"bat† schema. a. Assimilating, accommodating b. Schematizing, changing her attachment to c. Reducing, running from d. Bargaining, psychologically consuming e. Operationalizing, rationalizing 2. Theory of mind, or TOM: a. is mastered during the concrete operations stage and is considered an example of the loss of egocentric thought. b. is a sign of general intelligence. c. seems to be a learned ability. d. is a philosophical movement based on Descartes. e. seeks to understand how people behave based on their mental states. 3. Joe Bob has been in a close relationship with Chauntelle for two years. When she announces that she will be going out of town for work, he gets extremely nervous and upset, begging her not to leave. While she is gone, he tries to call her several times a day. When she finally returns, his first reaction to seeing her is anger rather than happiness. An attachment expert would probably observe that Joe Bob: a. never resolved the trust versus mistrust stage b. serves as an excellent example of Parental Investment Theory c. grew up with an anxious relationship with his mother and/or father that has resulted in his having a preoccupied attachment style d. may have had an insecure attachment relationship with his parents as a child but his current issues with Chauntelle reflect common insecurities of new adult relationships e. is a serious nut and that Chauntelle would do well to find someone who was a little bit more stable 4. Which of the following groups exhibit parallel forms of babbling as compared to normal children? a. deaf children of parents who sign b. children with dyslexia c. autistic children d. infant chimpanzees e. children with Down syndrome

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Depiction of Native Americans in American Film Essay

In today’s society there are many people living in poverty. All across America there are different projects and reservations where the less fortunate reside. Statistics show that mostly minorities live in these different locations. Native Americans and African Americans are two of the more popular races living in these places. The group suffering the most in these situations is the youth. Although both Native American and African American children living on a reservation or in the projects experience a terrible community, have little to no faith, and a broken family structure, African American youth living in the projects have it worse than Native American children living on a reservation. First, one of the most common living situations for less fortunate African Americans is in the projects. A project is a public living environment that is government owned. Although these buildings are government owned they are far from nice looking. Most of the buildings have no windows, are run down, dirty, and old. The government’s main goal is to maintain affordable housing not to make them the best looking homes in town. The projects aren’t a good environment for a child to be raised. Throughout these neighborhoods different gangs can be found. These gangs are built to defend the different areas in the projects. The gangs bring major violence to the area and are one of the main causes of death. At a young age children join these gangs and are raised to be violent. Many of them decorate the buildings they are living in with graffiti expressing their gang colors, symbols, or motto. In contrast, while Native American youth also live in poor housing, the environment is safer than the projects. A reservation is an area set aside for a specific type of land use or activity, or for use by a particular group of people, mostly Native Americans. Similar to the projects, houses on a reservation are old, beat down, and dirty. The houses on a reservation are government owned as well. Although these two locations are very similar they also differ. The reservation is a safer place then the projects. On the reservation there is a couple cases of mild violence but they aren’t as severe as the violence in the projects. Therefore, the reservations environment is a better environment than the projects. Secondly, many of the young people have no faith growing up in the projects. A lot of them believe their only way out of the projects is to become a basketball or football player or to become a top selling rap artist. At as young as sixteen years of age most African American males end up in jail, deceased, or selling drugs. A lot of them are also lead to believe that if they don’t do what every other man on the streets is doing, then they won’t make it anywhere in life. On the reservation the kids believe their only way out is to become NBA players or â€Å"powwowers†. Powwower’s are traditional Native American cheerleaders or dancers. Much like the African Americans growing up in the projects, the life expectancy rate for those living on a reservation is in the mid forties. Considering that both of these locations are in the United States mid forties is very young of age. Many of these people don’t live very long because they don’t have enough money to take care of themselves as well as their families. They also aren’t able to live a healthy lifestyle which shortens their days. Death is common in the two locations which leaves these two young groups wondering what’s beyond the age forty. Lastly, family structure is very important in a household. In the projects many of the homes lack a very strong family structure. Children growing up in the projects nine times out of ten don’t have both parents in the home. Most of them are drug dealers, alcoholics, prostitutes, or doing any and everything to try and provide for the child. Although these parents are trying to provide for their children a lot of the time they are also on welfare. Moreover, these children’s parents aren’t ever around, they sometimes go days without having anything to eat. Many of the young men follow after the footsteps of their father, older brother, or uncles which is why this cycle has continued for so long. Native Americans typically stick together as a unit. According to Sherman Alexie, an award winning author who grew up on a reservation, â€Å"Native American children are taught to be suspicious of Caucasian people. † Native Americans teach this to their children because there are many people in America that are against minorities and believe that just because they are the majority they’re better. A lot of the parents on a reservation go from job to job not being able to keep one job for a long period of time. Many of these parents are also alcoholics. On the other hand, some of these families on these reservations are very family oriented unlike the African American families in the projects. These Native American families have up to seventeen family members living in one house. They keep their families very close and are very supportive of one another rather then being against each other like African Americans. The parents watch over their children to make sure they don’t go down the wrong path in life. Although these families are experiencing hard times they cheer each other up and manage to smile every once in a while. Therefore, the Native Americans family structure is stronger then African Americans. In conclusion, Native American youth living on a reservation have it better then African American youth living in the projects. Both of these minorities are going through some hardships. From alcoholic parents to not having anything to eat they both are suffering as young children. Native American families provide a safer living environment, work harder, and look after one another, where as African Americans are against one another, on the streets all day, and are strongly associated with violence. As the years go on these families are hoping that the government will separate people in the projects and those living on reservations and provide them both with a better living situation. If these environments are separated the United States will be one step closer to eliminating violence in America.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Essence of Internal Control

A statement on policy and procedures Issues as they relate to managements views and lord flings with regard to MOB A-123 audits. Writing position papers on justification of actions taken has raised some questions about control. There seems to be a shift in the mind set of managers now that Section 404 of Sox's (documentation) has really kicked in with compliance performance of the financial managers responsibility or in others words , who has or had authority ,command, and control of the process.The cause and effect of policy often goes against the procedures that are written to enforce the objectives of the policy. This is the standard loop hole in the blame game of shifting responsibility to the weakest component In the chain of custody process. In researching this Issue a new term has been developing in my statement writings, reciprocal responsibility. This reinforces the checks and balance that Is Intended to be In place at the out set.Most players In this game like this idea but there's not enough wiggle room for them. What they really want is assurance that the process is the root cause and not the policy. Managers enforce policy. Policy and procedures must be reciprocal to be effective and efficient. Most of the regulations allow for this sort of dialog to take place and encourage it, which is why Serbians-Solely is so board in its overall concept.Section 404 barely consist of a whole paragraph Thus allowing for broad interpretation for unknown circumstances yet to be considered (lessons learned) have successfully brought together adversarial components of major operational programs to bring clarity, understanding, and appreciation of each opposing inherent view of responsibility, objectives, and concerns that cause conflict In Information flow. By Its very nature, program management Is very personal and control Is a major part of that activity.Most people are reluctant to surrender that control; if it is perceived to be critical to their status in terms of command and control, even if it is not required. No one wants to be at the bottom of the pecking order in the chain of command. In risk management, some managers take on needless risk Just to maintain control†¦ This must be explained to managers, that one does not need to own something to control it. Depending on the function, ownership does not define control†¦ Authority is the overriding criteria for control. Internal Controls only work well in the environment that they were designed for†.Just as in the physical law of nature, the adjustments to correct a problem can be Just as disastrous even with proper controls. ‘The operation was a success, but the patient died'. Internal Controls have hit the wall of slightly criteria on the subject of materially to meet the level of reasonableness of the consideration given. And expectation of the outcome. â€Å"To support the conclusion, that the market will and can correct itself. With the proper internal control s is a fair assumption. As with policy and procedures they too household be capable of self adjusting to the demands of the process.But too much too soon is critical mass for any system to continue to function as intended. The Law of Diminishing Returns takes over and this is what happens when controls are not built to withstand the limitless aggression of greed. † There should be a certain amount of flexibility built-in to standards of control to allow for the occasional exception to the rules, but this should only be applied when not approving the event causes more harm than good. Standards must change to remain standards Donald J. White CAFE/SOX November 28, 2012

Friday, November 8, 2019

9 Tips I Learned from Renewing My Certified Executive Resume Writer Certification

9 Tips I Learned from Renewing My Certified Executive Resume Writer Certification On March 17th, I got a â€Å"friendly reminder† that my most prized certified executive resume writer designation, the Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM), was up for renewal. What this meant is that I would have to submit four executive resumes, written by me, to a committee for examination. I had a problem: I have a team of amazing executive resume writers who write the initial drafts of all the resumes my company writes. I am the editor, not the writer. So I had to dig into my files to find good raw material that I could spruce up for my recertification. I identified six good candidates and went to work. It took hours of reformatting and rewriting before I could even narrow down my submission to four resumes. I cursed my short attention span for this detailed and challenging work. But I was able to create four resumes that I thought would make the grade. And then, I got a second opinion from my executive resume coach, Laura DeCarlo. I knew I was submitting myself to possible dismantling, but that’s kind of what I do. I want to do the best work possible, even if there’s pain involved along the way. And ultimately, I’m glad I asked for her advice, because not only did I pass the CERM renewal on the first try (and with very positive remarks), but I also was reminded of some important points for writing a top-notch executive resume – points I will now share with you. Here’s what I learned: Executive resumes require some â€Å"fairy dusting† – that magical something that makes the document come to life, whether it’s a catching turn of phrase like â€Å"fiscally rejuvenating† or just the right testimonial, or a tasteful, appropriate graphic element. Look for that element in the samples below, and throughout the examples provided in this article. Use a crisp, modern, not-too-fancy format. Don’t use more than two fonts (perhaps one for the headers and one for the body). Don’t overuse italics. Don’t overuse centering. And be consistent! It doesn’t fly, for instance, to have a header where there are two spaces before some bullets and three after others. Here’s an example of two fonts, one color, and evenly spaced bullets:Note: While you might think you’re being fancy by putting your contact information above your name, best practice is to stick with convention and put that information under your name or possibly to the side. Capture an executive’s contribution to ROI in the branding statement at the top. While some statements about experience and expertise are appropriate, tie as much as possible into results. And be sure to use keywords that are important in your industry. They matter! When writing summary statements under a position, open them with a â€Å"hook† – not with a list of responsibilities. Then, once you have your reader’s attention, you can talk about the scope of your work. Who says the only place you can list accomplishments is in your bullets?! Here are two examples: Use effective section headers to draw attention to accomplishments. You might, for instance, have an overarching accomplishment, with bullets underneath of how that accomplishment was achieved:Or, you might create functional headers with bullets underneath:Do you see how these dividing markers help the reader know what to pay attention to? The alternative is something we call â€Å"death by bullets† – a long list of bullets without any indication of what’s important. Don’t do that! Testimonials work well, especially when they are action-packed. Here’s my favorite from my CERM submissions:I’ve heard concerns that testimonials might come across as â€Å"cheesy.† My response is that the proof is in the pudding. I’ve seen client after client get job interviews with resumes that include testimonials. So I recommend using them! The more concrete results that can be included in the quotation, the better. If you had two positions with increasing responsibility, and you did less in the more recent position, combine them. Otherwise, it could look like you didn’t perform in the higher-level position. As a tool to make your executive resume bullets hard-hitting, use bolding to draw the eye – either to a noteworthy accomplishment or a functional area. See point #5 for examples, plus this one: Write, rewrite, get an editor, and rewrite some more. Or hire someone to write your executive resume for you. Resume writing is not easy, as the above examples may have illustrated. If you’re a busy executive, don’t spend the hours upon hours I spent working on these resume submissions, and that the executive resume writers at The Essay Expert spend on every executive resume project. Hire someone whose job it is to do that, and then go do what you do best! Category:Resume TipsBy Brenda BernsteinMay 15, 2017

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Dictionary Defeats Dogma

The Dictionary Defeats Dogma The Dictionary Defeats Dogma The Dictionary Defeats Dogma By Mark Nichol Responses to one of my recent posts brought up two interesting related issues: misunderstandings about idioms and their origins, and about linguistic terms. First, numerous readers wrote to Daily Writing Tips recently to inform me that I had misspelled a word in one of the items in â€Å"35 Fossil Words†: It’s â€Å"just desserts,† not â€Å"just deserts,† to refer to getting what you deserve, I was told. But as I noted in this post last year, deserts is commonly misspelled desserts in this idiomatic phrase; years ago (perhaps influenced by the name of a bakery called Just Desserts), I, too, had long assumed that the latter spelling was correct. The word, however, is related to deserve, though except for occasional use of the singular form in legal documents, it is unknown outside the idiom and the phrase â€Å"get (one’s) just deserts† and its truncated version, â€Å"get (one’s) deserts.† Many idioms are similarly misunderstood; another example, also listed in my recently posted roster of fossil words, is â€Å"beck and call.† In a post on my esteemed colleague Mignon Fogarty’s popular website Quick and Dirty Grammar Tips, numerous commenters insisted with variously amusing and alarming self-righteousness that despite definitive linguistic documentation of the idiom the correct phrasing is â€Å"beckon call† (what kind of call? a beckon call) or â€Å"beck or call† (because, honestly, why would somebody both beck and call?). (Thanks to Daily Writing Tips visitor Roberta for the link.) The post you’re reading right now is intended not to ridicule people who misunderstand idiom (after all, a couple of paragraphs up, I admitted doing so myself, and I am not prone to self-ridicule), but it is intended to drop a hint to those who might doggedly cling to dogma, stubbornly misapprehending a word or phrase’s source. Many elements of English are of uncertain etymological or syntactical origin, but most are well attested, and corroboration is a simple matter of looking something up online or in print. A bumper sticker word to the wise: Don’t believe everything you think. The related issue is the term â€Å"fossil words.† Some Daily Writing Tips readers took exception to that phrase and to my definition of such terms as those that â€Å"survive only in isolated usage,† arguing that they employ some or many of the listed words. (Does that mean, more than one person asked, that that makes the correspondent a fossil?) However, note that the definition of the titular phrase, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is â€Å"A word or other linguistic form preserved only in isolated regions or in set phrases, idioms, or collocations.† By â€Å"isolated usage,† I meant not â€Å"frequency of use† but â€Å"scope of use†; these words are rarely, if ever, uttered other than as part of the idiomatic phrases they are associated with. When was the last time you used bated other than in the expression â€Å"bated breath,† or mettle when it was not preceded by something like â€Å"test your†? If you can tick off the occasions on your fingertips, you likely have a season pass to a Renaissance fair. And to that I say, â€Å"Huzzah!† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Passed vs PastHang, Hung, HangedHonorary vs. Honourary

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Role of an Oncology Nurse in USA Research Paper

The Role of an Oncology Nurse in USA - Research Paper Example 1.2 The Role of an Oncology Nurse in USA The role of oncology nurses differs in relation to intensive care which has more focus on bone marrow transplantation and on cancer detection, screening and prevention. Practice of oncology includes participating in nursing research studies, making educational curricula, serving the patients as consultants and performing functions of executive. The main emphasis in all these roles is to provide nursing care to patients, planning, evaluation and nursing diagnosis. This process helps nurses to take a systematic and organized approach in the treatment of cancer patients. The role of oncology nurses is related to professionalism rather than just an occupation for instance a person working whole day in front of computer and conducting analysis. It requires professional practice and detailed knowledge of psychosocial and biologic dimensions of cancer problems. So it requires thorough practice, learning and research, after this only a person can be p rofessional. While occupation is linked to what one learns in his academic life and implement that in practice, this cannot be considered professionalism. Therefore this role is linked to the definition of professionalism rather than occupation. It is a broader concept then just an occupation (Brant JM & Wickham RS, 2004, p.1). So, the role of oncology nurses focuses on three core areas such as: Patient education Patient assessment Coordination of care Patient education Nurses have more opportunity to expand the knowledge of patients in relation to their disease and to educate them accordingly to have efficiency in treatment. They educate in order to assist patients to deal with their diagnosis, symptoms and long term adjustments, to gain information of prevention, to develop their knowledge and skills or to regain health status. Nurses teach patients through various tools and methods such as visual, printed and audiovisual materials are used by nurses to identify patient needs and abilities. Patient assessment Oncology nurses assess patient’s emotional and physical status, health practices, past history and heath, tries to achieve knowledge in relation to diagnoses from the patient as well as his family. Oncology nurses know the results and implications of pathology, laboratory and imaging studies. Coordination of care Oncology nurses plays imperative role in coordinating the complex and multiple technologies which are used in cancer treatment and diagnoses. This coordination involves taking care of patients, preparing all medical records, management of symptoms, participation of therapy, educating patients as well as family, counseling and follow-ups. Nurses should serve as patient’s first line of communication. Therefore, it is imperative for nurses to get sufficient information about the patient and his family (Johnson Mary, 2004, p. 80). 1.3 Oncology Nursing Education A whole educational curriculum is developed to create understanding and en hance their knowledge of epidemiology, cancer biology, treatment, nursing issues and practices and trends in cancer care. Specific journals which help to

Friday, November 1, 2019

Leading Learning Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leading Learning Organization - Essay Example tions constitute the some of the active participants suffering from the leadership weaknesses both locally and globally (Razik, Swanson & Razik, 2010). The flat world presents several opportunities for the leadership to incorporate in establishing an effective program for managing the workers. The learning organizations are not exceptional, as they apply the flat world dynamics accordingly. These continued arguments constitute the contrast and comparison of the local and global challenges that impair the education and education leadership. The comprehensive teacher leadership institutes the process in which the transformation culture for leadership in the learning industry is still key factor. Included in the identification of the iconic images of the past teacher leadership roles is that the learning organization is moving towards understanding the compelling cases of the teacher to leadership skill, and basing on the current developments (Razik, Swanson & Razik, 2010). The continued effort to institute scaring developments in the teacher to patient relation focuses on the following core current conditions that continue to evolve accordingly. Further, the changing world of managing organizations reflects that the course of proposing and establishing top-down change is becoming less profession. The processes of adopting change constitute the leadership, which is less intense ad involved to develop a structure for the relations that teacher may hold. Further, the question of the conditional stereotyping from the old fo lks in the industry continues to institute challenging developments in the management of the learning organizations. The leadership, learning and procedures of implementing and managing change institute the position for establishing a united course for developing the education setting to succeed in the local conceptualization of the learning institutions (Razik, Swanson & Razik, 2010). Notably, the face of the country is changing, and so is the